How To Run

These are instructions for how to update the examples on GitHub and run MELODIES MONET both within a jupyter notebook or in a bash script submitted to an HPC machine. It is highly recommended to start first running MELODIES MONET in a jupyter notebook with a smaller dataset. Then you can expand on the analysis to produce hundreds of plots by submitting a bash script to your HPC machine. The basic commands in the jupyter notebook and bash script are exactly the same and both similarly call an input YAML file.

First, we describe how to Prepare An Input YAML File. Second, we define the Basic Commands to run MELODIES MONET. Then, we describe how to start from either a the Jupyter Notebook or the Bash Script example.

Prepare an Input YAML File

You will need to prepare an input YAML file to be read into MELODIES MONET. Example input YAML files to start from are provided in the examples/yaml folder of the code on GitHub. There are a number of comments in these example input YAML files to get you started. The overall structure is the following:

  • analysis – All input related to the analysis class.

  • model – All input for each instance of the model class. The variables to be plotted are included in the model class in the “mapping” dictionary. The model variable names are first (i.e. keys) and the observation variable names are the second (i.e. values). Because the plots in MELODIES MONET will plot multiple models with one observation, the observation variables listed in the mapping dictionary must be consistent across all models. For example, if you want to plot the results of multiple model datasets against the AirNow observations for “OZONE” and “PM2.5”, you must provide the model variable names for “OZONE” and “PM2.5” in the mapping dictionary for all models. Say if you only provide the model variable names for “OZONE” for one of the models, MELODIES MONET will error.

  • obs – All input for each instance of the observation class.

  • plots – All input for each plotting group. A plotting group consists of one plotting type. The plotting types are described in Supported Plots. All model / observational pairs and domains specified for the plotting group will be included. You may include as many plotting groups as you like.

  • stats – All input needed to calculate the statistics. The supported statistics available in MELODIES MONET are described in Supported Statistics. All model / observational pairs and domains specified will be included. You may include as many statistics as you like. Note however that the calculation of the statistics is relatively slow right now. Optimizing this code is under development.

A detailed description of all the options in the input YAML file is provided in the Appendix under Description of All YAML Options.

Basic Commands

First, you will import the MELODIES MONET driver 1.

from melodies_monet import driver

Then you will create an instance of the python driver analysis class. The analysis class consists of 4 main parts; information read in by the input YAML file, instances of the model class, instances of the observation class, instances of the paired class. This instance of the analysis class will allow us to store all the information we need to create the plots and calculate the statistics.

an = driver.analysis()

Then you will provide the path and name to your input YAML file and read the information from the input YAML file into the analysis class.

an.control = 'control_cmaq.yaml'

Then you will read in all models listed in the “model” section of the input YAML file. This will create an instance of the model class for each model, which includes information like the label, type, mapping table, filenames, and file paths. Note: multiple files can be opened at the same time using hot keys


Then you will read in all observations listed in the “obs” section of the input YAML file. This will create an instance of the observation class for each observation dataset, which includes information like the label, type, filenames, and file paths. MONET can automatically download observational data. For now, MELODIES MONET will open preprocessed data because some HPC platforms have download restrictions. We will work on automating this process further in the future. See Downloading Observations to learn how to preprocess the observational data for MELODIES MONET


Pair all of the models with all of the observations listed in the input YAML file creating instances of the paired class. Model results are directly paired in both time and space to the observational dataset for all variables listed in the mapping dictionary specified in the model class.


For all plotting groups, specified in the input YAML file, create all plots looping over all specified variables in the mapping table, all model/observational pairs, and all domains.


Calculate all statistics specified in the input YAML file looping over all specified variables in the mapping table, all model/observational pairs, and all domains.


Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter notebook examples explaining how to run MELODIES MONET are in the examples/jupyter_notebooks folder of the code on GitHub. It is highly recommended for new and expert users to first use MELODIES MONET on a subset of the analysis in jupyter notebook. The jupyter notebook examples demonstrate how to print different pieces of the analysis class instance in order to help trouble shoot problems. In order to print figures in the jupyter notebook in the analysis section of the input YAML file, set debug = True.

Bash Script

Jupyter notebooks are great for quick analysis and ensuring you have set up the configuration properly, but if you want to perform the analysis for a longer time period or create hundreds of plots submitting a bash script as a job on your HPC computer is preferred. Bash script examples for running MELODIES MONET are in the examples/submit_jobs folder of the code on GitHub.

  • If you are using a model like WRF-Chem, CMAQ, or RRFS-CMAQ that is run in forecasting mode and you want to combine model results across multiple days or even over an entire month, you may need to link model data into a directory first to ensure that you have sequential model results to incorporate into MELODIES MONET. Examples of bash scripts for doing this are provided (link_files_*.sh).

  • Then you will need to copy and update the script.

    • Update to include the path and file name for your input YAML file.

    • This script defaults to running both the plotting and stats routines. If you only want to perform one or the other, comment one of them out.

  • Then copy and edit the script. This is an example of how to submit the job to the NOAA Hera machine. Edit this script to be appropriate for your HPC machine. Note: you may need to use a larger memory node to run MELODIES MONET.

    • Update the location of your conda environment.

    • Also update the location and name of your script.

  • Submit the script (e.g., on NOAA hera: sbatch


This should work from any directory as long as MELODIES MONET is installed in your active conda environment, which it should be if you followed the install instructions.